How to Restore a Deleted File in Linux

by Jarrod

RootUsers / 2017-08-16 16:44

If you’ve accidentally deleted a file in Linux, don’t worry, you can probably still restore it as long as that area of disk has not yet been overwritten. This post will show you how to easily restore a deleted file in Linux.

Foremost is able to search a disk or raw image file to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures.

Install Foremost

Foremost is available in many different distributions of Linux.


We can install Foremost in Linux Mint, Debian, or Ubuntu by simply running the following command.

   apt-get install foremost     


By default Foremost is not available in any of the standard CentOS/RHEL repositories, so we’ll install it directly from the RPM.

   yum install -y     

This RPM is for el7, el6 can be found here.

Failing these options, you can download the Foremost source here.

In this example we are using CentOS 7, however once you’ve installed Foremost the rest of the steps should be the same in any Linux distribution.

Deleting a File

Now that Foremost is installed, let’s delete a file. It’s worth noting that Foremost does not need to be installed when the file was deleted, that’s just the order I happened to do things in.

In this example we will be removing the image.jpg file shown below.

   [root@centos7 ~]# file image.jpg     image.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01     [root@centos7 ~]# md5sum image.jpg     f2b6f5c9f3795363cddfd6aae6d1ba0d  image.jpg     

We’ll use this information later to verify that the file has been successfully restored. Now we’ll delete the file using the rm command .

   [root@centos7 ~]# rm -f image.jpg     

Restore a Deleted File

Next we’ll create a directory to restore our files to. Foremost requires an empty directory for this purpose, so we’ll make /root/restored/.

   [root@centos7 ~]# mkdir /root/restored     

Now we are ready to run the Foremost command and restore our image file. The -i switch is used to specify the disk or image file that we want to search, while -t is used to restore files of the type specified. Foremost supports many different files, check the foremost man page for the full list. This is required as foremost searches the disk based on the headers which that type of file uses.

   [root@centos7 ~]# foremost -i /dev/sda3 -t jpg -o /root/restored/     Processing: /dev/sda3     |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|     

This took approximately 2 minutes to complete on an 18gb disk. This will find any .jpg files in /dev/sda3 and restore them into the /root/restored/ directory, as long as the space they are using on disk has not yet been overwritten by anything else.

If we look inside our /root/restored directory, we can see that our image file has successfully been restored. The md5 hash of the file is exactly the same as the file before we deleted it.

   [root@centos7 ~]# md5sum /root/restored/jpg/18608472.jpg     f2b6f5c9f3795363cddfd6aae6d1ba0d  /root/restored/jpg/18608472.jpg     

As file names are not stored within the file itself it is not possible to restore the file with the original file name, however the data is all there.


We installed the Foremost tool on our CentOS 7 machine and used it to restore a deleted file. Using the md5 hash of the file before and after recovery, we can confirm that the exact same file has successfully been recovered.

Foremost is a pretty simple to use tool to perform data carving, I’ve used it with some success in a number of Capture The Flag (CTF) style challenges.

The post How to Restore a Deleted File in Linux appeared first on RootUsers.

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How to Restore a Deleted File in Linux

全文搜索引擎 ElasticSearch 入门教程

by 阮一峰

IT牛人博客聚合网站 / 2017-08-17 10:07

全文搜索属于最常见的需求,开源的ElasticSearch(以下简称 Elastic)是目前全文搜索引擎的首选。

它可以快速地储存、搜索和分析海量数据。维基百科、Stack Overflow、Github 都采用它。


Elastic 的底层是开源库Lucene。但是,你没法直接用 Lucene,必须自己写代码去调用它的接口。Elastic 是 Lucene 的封装,提供了 REST API 的操作接口,开箱即用。

本文从零开始,讲解如何使用 Elastic 搭建自己的全文搜索引擎。每一步都有详细的说明,大家跟着做就能学会。


Elastic 需要 Java 8 环境。如果你的机器还没安装 Java,可以参考这篇文章,注意要保证环境变量JAVA_HOME正确设置。

安装完 Java,就可以跟着官方文档安装 Elastic。直接下载压缩包比较简单。

   $ wget   $ unzip   $ cd elasticsearch-5.5.1/    

接着,进入解压后的目录,运行下面的命令,启动 Elastic。

   $ ./bin/elasticsearch   

如果这时报错“max virtual memory areas vm.maxmapcount [65530] is too low”,要运行下面的命令。

   $ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144   

如果一切正常,Elastic 就会在默认的9200端口运行。这时,打开另一个命令行窗口,请求该端口,会得到说明信息。

   $ curl localhost:9200      {     "name" : "atntrTf",     "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",     "cluster_uuid" : "tf9250XhQ6ee4h7YI11anA",     "version" : {       "number" : "5.5.1",       "build_hash" : "19c13d0",       "build_date" : "2017-07-18T20:44:24.823Z",       "build_snapshot" : false,       "lucene_version" : "6.6.0"     },     "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"   }   

上面代码中,请求9200端口,Elastic 返回一个 JSON 对象,包含当前节点、集群、版本等信息。

按下 Ctrl + C,Elastic 就会停止运行。

默认情况下,Elastic 只允许本机访问,如果需要远程访问,可以修改 Elastic 安装目录的config/elasticsearch.yml文件,去掉network.host的注释,将它的值改成0.0.0.0,然后重新启动 Elastic。   

上面代码中,设成0.0.0.0让任何人都可以访问。线上服务不要这样设置,要设成具体的 IP。


2.1 Node 与 Cluster

Elastic 本质上是一个分布式数据库,允许多台服务器协同工作,每台服务器可以运行多个 Elastic 实例。

单个 Elastic 实例称为一个节点(node)。一组节点构成一个集群(cluster)。

2.2 Index

Elastic 会索引所有字段,经过处理后写入一个反向索引(Inverted Index)。查找数据的时候,直接查找该索引。

所以,Elastic 数据管理的顶层单位就叫做 Index(索引)。它是单个数据库的同义词。每个 Index (即数据库)的名字必须是小写。

下面的命令可以查看当前节点的所有 Index。

   $ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'   

2.3 Document

Index 里面单条的记录称为 Document(文档)。许多条 Document 构成了一个 Index。

Document 使用 JSON 格式表示,下面是一个例子。

   {     "user": "张三",     "title": "工程师",     "desc": "数据库管理"   }   

同一个 Index 里面的 Document,不要求有相同的结构(scheme),但是最好保持相同,这样有利于提高搜索效率。

2.4 Type

Document 可以分组,比如weather这个 Index 里面,可以按城市分组(北京和上海),也可以按气候分组(晴天和雨天)。这种分组就叫做 Type,它是虚拟的逻辑分组,用来过滤 Document。

不同的 Type 应该有相似的结构(schema),举例来说,id字段不能在这个组是字符串,在另一个组是数值。这是与关系型数据库的表的一个区别。性质完全不同的数据(比如products和logs)应该存成两个 Index,而不是一个 Index 里面的两个 Type(虽然可以做到)。

下面的命令可以列出每个 Index 所包含的 Type。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/_mapping?pretty=true'   

根据规划,Elastic 6.x 版只允许每个 Index 包含一个 Type,7.x 版将会彻底移除 Type。

三、新建和删除 Index

新建 Index,可以直接向 Elastic 服务器发出 PUT 请求。下面的例子是新建一个名叫weather的 Index。

   $ curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/weather'   

服务器返回一个 JSON 对象,里面的acknowledged字段表示操作成功。

   {     "acknowledged":true,     "shards_acknowledged":true   }   

然后,我们发出 DELETE 请求,删除这个 Index。

   $ curl -X DELETE 'localhost:9200/weather'   



   $ ./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install   

上面代码安装的是5.5.1版的插件,与 Elastic 5.5.1 配合使用。

接着,重新启动 Elastic,就会自动加载这个新安装的插件。

然后,新建一个 Index,指定需要分词的字段。这一步根据数据结构而异,下面的命令只针对本文。基本上,凡是需要搜索的中文字段,都要单独设置一下。

   $ curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/accounts' -d '   {     "mappings": {       "person": {         "properties": {           "user": {             "type": "text",             "analyzer": "ik_max_word",             "search_analyzer": "ik_max_word"           },           "title": {             "type": "text",             "analyzer": "ik_max_word",             "search_analyzer": "ik_max_word"           },           "desc": {             "type": "text",             "ana
lyzer": "ik_max_word",             "search_analyzer": "ik_max_word"           }         }       }     }   }'   

上面代码中,首先新建一个名称为accounts的 Index,里面有一个名称为person的 Type。person有三个字段。

  • user
  • title
  • desc


Elastic 的分词器称为analyzer。我们对每个字段指定分词器。

   "user": {     "type": "text",     "analyzer": "ik_max_word",     "search_analyzer": "ik_max_word"   }   



5.1 新增记录

向指定的 /Index/Type 发送 PUT 请求,就可以在 Index 里面新增一条记录。比如,向/accounts/person发送请求,就可以新增一条人员记录。

   $ curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/1' -d '   {     "user": "张三",     "title": "工程师",     "desc": "数据库管理"   }'    

服务器返回的 JSON 对象,会给出 Index、Type、Id、Version 等信息。

   {     "_index":"accounts",     "_type":"person",     "_id":"1",     "_version":1,     "result":"created",     "_shards":{"total":2,"successful":1,"failed":0},     "created":true   }   

如果你仔细看,会发现请求路径是/accounts/person/1,最后的1是该条记录的 Id。它不一定是数字,任意字符串(比如abc)都可以。

新增记录的时候,也可以不指定 Id,这时要改成 POST 请求。

   $ curl -X POST 'localhost:9200/accounts/person' -d '   {     "user": "李四",     "title": "工程师",     "desc": "系统管理"   }'   

上面代码中,向/accounts/person发出一个 POST 请求,添加一个记录。这时,服务器返回的 JSON 对象里面,_id字段就是一个随机字符串。

   {     "_index":"accounts",     "_type":"person",     "_id":"AV3qGfrC6jMbsbXb6k1p",     "_version":1,     "result":"created",     "_shards":{"total":2,"successful":1,"failed":0},     "created":true   }   

注意,如果没有先创建 Index(这个例子是accounts),直接执行上面的命令,Elastic 也不会报错,而是直接生成指定的 Index。所以,打字的时候要小心,不要写错 Index 的名称。

5.2 查看记录

向/Index/Type/Id发出 GET 请求,就可以查看这条记录。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/1?pretty=true'   

上面代码请求查看/accounts/person/1这条记录,URL 的参数pretty=true表示以易读的格式返回。


   {     "_index" : "accounts",     "_type" : "person",     "_id" : "1",     "_version" : 1,     "found" : true,     "_source" : {       "user" : "张三",       "title" : "工程师",       "desc" : "数据库管理"     }   }   

如果 Id 不正确,就查不到数据,found字段就是false。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/weather/beijing/abc?pretty=true'      {     "_index" : "accounts",     "_type" : "person",     "_id" : "abc",     "found" : false   }   

5.3 删除记录

删除记录就是发出 DELETE 请求。

   $ curl -X DELETE 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/1'   


5.4 更新记录

更新记录就是使用 PUT 请求,重新发送一次数据。

   $ curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/1' -d '   {       "user" : "张三",       "title" : "工程师",       "desc" : "数据库管理,软件开发"   }'       {     "_index":"accounts",     "_type":"person",     "_id":"1",     "_version":2,     "result":"updated",     "_shards":{"total":2,"successful":1,"failed":0},     "created":false   }   

上面代码中,我们将原始数据从”数据库管理”改成”数据库管理,软件开发”。 返回结果里面,有几个字段发生了变化。

   "_version" : 2,   "result" : "updated",   "created" : false   

可以看到,记录的 Id 没变,但是版本(version)从1变成2,操作类型(result)从created变成updated,created字段变成false,因为这次不是新建记录。


6.1 返回所有记录

使用 GET 方法,直接请求/Index/Type/_search,就会返回所有记录。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/_search'      {     "took":2,     "timed_out":false,     "_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0},     "hits":{       "total":2,       "max_score":1.0,       "hits":[         {           "_index":"accounts",           "_type":"person",           "_id":"AV3qGfrC6jMbsbXb6k1p",           "_score":1.0,           "_source": {             "user": "李四",             "title": "工程师",             "desc": "系统管理"           }         },         {           "_index":"accounts",           "_type":"person",           "_id":"1",           "_score":1.0,           "_source": {             "user" : "张三",             "title" : "工程师",             "desc" : "数据库管理,软件开发"           }         }       ]     }   }   


  • total:返回记录数,本例是2条。
  • max_score:最高的匹配程度,本例是1.0。
  • hits:返回的记录组成的数组。


6.2 全文搜索

Elastic 的查询非常特别,使用自己的查询语法,要求 GET 请求带有数据体。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/_search'  -d '   {     "query" : { "match" : { "desc" : "软件" }}   }'   

上面代码使用Match 查询,指定的匹配条件是desc字段里面包含”软件”这个词。返回结果如下。

   {     "took":3,     "timed_out":false,     "_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0},     "hits":{       "total":1,       "max_score":0.28582606,       "hits":[         {           "_index":"accounts",           "_type":"person",           "_id":"1",           "_score":0.28582606,           "_source": {             "user" : "张三",             "title" : "工程师",             "desc" : "数据库管理,软件开发"           }         }       ]     }   }   

Elastic 默认一次返回10条结果,可以通过size字段改变这个设置。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/_search'  -d '   {     "query" : { "match" : { "desc" : "管理" }},     "size": 1   }'   



   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/_search'  -d '   {     "query" :
 { "match" : { "desc" : "管理" }},     "from": 1,     "size": 1   }'   


6.3 逻辑运算

如果有多个搜索关键字, Elastic 认为它们是or关系。

   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/_search'  -d '   {     "query" : { "match" : { "desc" : "软件 系统" }}   }'   

上面代码搜索的是软件 or 系统。


   $ curl 'localhost:9200/accounts/person/_search'  -d '   {     "query": {       "bool": {         "must": [           { "match": { "desc": "软件" } },           { "match": { "desc": "系统" } }         ]       }     }   }'   




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全文搜索引擎 ElasticSearch 入门教程