SSH over SSL, episode 4: a HAproxy based configuration

SSH over SSL, episode 4: a HAproxy based configuration

Purpose of this article

In this article, I am describing how to SSH to a remote server as discreetly as possible, by concealing the SSH packets into SSL. The server will still be able to run an SSL website.


In most cases, when your outgoing firewall blocks ssh, you can work around with sslh, a tool that listens on the port 443 server-side, and selectively forwards, depending on the packet type, the incoming TCP connections to a local SSH or SSL service. You can then happily ssh to your server on the port 443 (normally dedicated to HTTPS), and also run a website on the same server so your connections look you are just harmlessly visiting this website. However, if your firewall is really sneaky, it will detect that you are sending the wrong packet type to the SSL port, and block your connection. In this case, there is not much choice: we must hide the SSH connection into a real SSL tunnel.

Comment for the long time readers

I know, I know: I covered this topic a few times already (here are the first, second, and third episodes). All of these setups were relying on a feature of HTTP 1.1 called CONNECT. However, it turns out that most webserver do not implement this CONNECT feature. As a consequence, if you wanted to do this, you were more or less stuck with Apache. This time, we are breaking free from Apache, with a HAproxy-based configuration. We will use HAproxy advanced packet inspection capabilities to implement a switch of protocol, the same way sslh works.

Server configuration

Some assumptions:

  • The port 443 of your server is publicly reachable
  • It runs ssh (but no need for the port 22 to be reachable)
  • Some web server is running on the port 80 and it supports the ‘X-Forwarded-Proto’ header (see the documentation of your webserver to enable that).
  • You have generated ssl certificates (you copied the public key and the private key in the same file /etc/ssl/private/certs.pem)

Now, you need to setup HAproxy. HAproxy defines backends and frontends, and it can communicate with these backends both at the HTTP and at the TCP level. Let us start with the backends:

The web server backend: we tell HAproxy that a server is running on the port 80, and speaks HTTP. On this backend, we add a X-Forwarded-Proto header, such that the web server knows that the clients are connecting securely. If you expose the same backend with HAproxy on the port 80, don’t forget to filter the X-Forwarded-Proto header!

backend secure_http      reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto: https      rspadd Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000      mode http      option httplog      option forwardfor      server local_http_server  

The ssh server:

backend ssh      mode tcp      option tcplog      server ssh      timeout server 2h  

And now, the magic. This happens in the frontend section. We listen in TCP mode and inspect the connections. Depending on whether we see ssh or not, we hook it to one of the backends.

frontend ssl      bind X.X.X.X:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/certs.pem no-sslv3      mode tcp      option tcplog      tcp-request inspect-delay 5s      tcp-request content accept if HTTP        acl client_attempts_ssh payload(0,7) -m bin 5353482d322e30        use_backend ssh if !HTTP      use_backend ssh if client_attempts_ssh      use_backend secure_http if HTTP  

Once you are done, you can test if this works by connecting on the server with openssl.

openssl s_client -connect -quiet  

If you see a string that looks like

SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Debian-7  

then everything went fine!

Connecting from an SSH client

To connect to your server from linux, just drop this in your ~/.ssh/config:

Host      ProxyCommand openssl s_client -connect -quiet  

If you are on windows and you cannot install anything client side, there is also a solution for you. Download socat and putty (none of them requires admin rights). Then, with socat, run:

socat TCP-LISTEN:8888,verify=0  

And with putty, direct your client to on the port 8888.

For the technically aware readers

So how does this work exactly? Basically, the RFC 4253, section 4.2 states that clients must send a string that starts with ‘SSH-2.0’ (this is also how sslh does it). Moreover, 5353482d322e30 is the binary representation of the string ‘SSH-2.0’. So everything boils down to this line:

acl client_attempts_ssh payload(0,7) -m bin 5353482d322e30  

When a new connection is made on the port 443, HAproxy decrypts the SSL layer, and checks whether the stream of data sent by the client starts with this string. We use the result of this condition to choose the backend. This handles the case of ‘active’ SSH clients (like openssh-client on linux), who send a packet as soon as they connect. There are also ‘passive’ SSH clients (like putty), who wait for the server to send a string. These clients will get that string after 5 seconds (the inspect-delay).


Happy SSH!

SSH over SSL, episode 4: a HAproxy based configuration
